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Avocado, Hemp and Green Tea & Lemongrass Cold Process Soap Recipe




Products you need to make this recipe

Do you have one or more of these ingredients already? No Problem! Choose only what you need and the total price will adjust accordingly.

It's time for a little summer freshness!  Skin loving luxury oils of Avocado and Organic Hemp Seed combine with Mango Butter and fresh Green Tea & Lemongrass Fragrance in this three colour loaf.  The stripes are kept nice and straight by using our Multi Pour Divider Tool.  It's green, fresh and uplifting!  Note:  This project previously used Green Fig Fragrance will has been deleted.

This batch is soaped at around 20 - 30°C to ensure you have enough time to work with the slats and double pour without having the trace too heavy.

What you need:


  • All your regular Cold Process Soap making equipment including Safety Gear including Goggles and Gloves
  • 1 x 2 litre jug, 3 x 500ml jugs
  • 2 or 3 light balloon whisks to mix colours into traced soap
  • Thermometer
  • Paper towels


If you are a beginner, we recommend you make a few batches before attempting this soap so that you know what to expect.   For how to make soap from Scratch, please see our Cold Process Soapmaking Instructions.


  • Set up work bench and measure all the ingredients
  • Set Lye water aside to cool and melt oils
  • Assemble the sectioning tool in the loaf mould ready to go - note, you are only making 3 channels, so set one vertical slat aside and use the ends to take 2 slats
  • When temperatures are correct add the Sodium Lactate Plus to the Lye water and then bring the batch to light trace
  • Divide very lightly traced soap into three even portions in separate jugs

Avo, Hemp & Green Fig Cold Process Soap

  • Add colour to each of the jugs, start with a few drops and manually whisk through, or use a mini mixer if you have one.  Add more colour if needed to reach a mid tone
  • If the balloon whisk leaves any little undispersed colour spots give them one quick blast with your stick blender to mix through thoroughly
  • Add 12g/ml Green Tea & Lemongrass Fragrance to each jug and hand mix to combine
  • Now begin pouring the soap, half fill each section, then go back and top them up using all the soap

Avo, Hemp & Green Fig Cold Process Soap

  • Remove the dividers from the soap and then the ends from the tool, and then insulate and put your soap to bed to bring to gel.  Use paper towels to grip the pieces if they are slippery!
  • Leave the soap in the mould for several days as the silicone mould tends to take longer for the soap to firm up as there is no water loss from the base and lower sides of the loaf
  • When you are ready to un-mould, release the air lock down the sides of the mould by pulling the sides out gently on all four sides.  Invert the soap and ease the loaf out of the mould
  • If the soap is still soft smooth down any soft parts and set aside a week or two before cutting into slices

Avo, Hemp & Green Fig Cold Process Soap

Note:  You will also need to purchase Olive Oil and Distilled water from the supermarket.

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