

PICK UP SERVICE: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9am -3pm. Please allow for 24-48hrs processing time. Same day pick up unavailable.



Basic Essential Oil Use and Safety Information



Essential Oils are volatile and are flammable. There is some misconception about Essential Oils - yes, they are natural, but please use with caution and follow safety guidelines:

  • Essential oils should never be used undiluted on the skin - use a carrier (such as a fixed oil, in soap, in lotion etc).  There is an exception to this, and that is Lavender Essential Oil

  • Some essential oils should be avoided during pregnancy (particularly during the first trimester) or by those with asthma, epilepsy, or with other medical conditions - research the contraindications for each specific oil before use

  • Use with adequate ventilation - especially when adding to hot products like soap as you will get a rush of volatile oils as the oil is combined with hot soap

  • Some essential oils can be sensitising, so check on this before use

  • Some essential oils can be photo-sensitising (such as bergamot, citrus etc) which means you shouldn't go in the sun after application on exposed skin

  • Some essential oils negate the action of Rescue Remedy and homeopathic remedies

  • Have an eye rinse station nearby when using essential oils, or at least the sink and/or fridge.  Try and neutralise a spill with milk (which contains fat) or a fixed oil and then move to flush with water.  You may need to go to a hospital if essential oil is in your eye.  You use the fixed oil first as essential oils are not soluble in water

  • Wash hands and work surfaces after using essential oils

  • Store Essential Oils and Fragrances in the amber bottles we ship them in

  • Do not store or mix (blend) Essential Oils in plastic - once diluted in your lotion bottle they are fine, but not neat or for storage undiluted

  • If blending in a fixed oil, use a long shelf life oil, such as Fractionated Coconut Oil, or Jojoba, or mix in small batches to avoid rancidity in the carrier

  • Store in dark glass bottles you receive them from us in - amber is good, blue is fine too

  • Store in a cool place, out of the sunlight

  • Keep away from naked flames

  • If you live in a hot climate, consider storage in the fridge, and bring to room temperature before use

  • Use aromatherapy grade, or 100% pure Essential Oils, and on the high end oils often the price will be your guide as to quality - Frangipani, Rose, Jasmine, Neroli  etc are very expensive in comparison to fragrance oils

  • Essential Oils are solvents, so will damage some bench tops, wooden furniture, carpets and vinyl flooring, computers and keyboards, and of course are a danger to CHILDREN AND PETS

  • It is a good idea to have a fire extinguisher in your work area, just in case

We recommend the use of an Essential Oil Encyclopaedia for specific information regarding Essential Oil use.