(Makes two large bags)
You probably have all the following ingredients already at home:
- 2 teaspoons Lavender flowers (dried)
- 2 teaspoons Rose Petals (dried)
- 1 tsp Lemon Balm (dried)
- ½ teaspoon Rosemary (dried)
- ½ teaspoon Spearmint or Peppermint or Eau De Cologne Mint (dried)
- 4 drops Lavender Essential Oil
- 2 drops Rosewood or Rose Geranium Essential Oil
Mix together well, put into Heat Sealable Teabags.
One dessert spoon to 1 tablespoon is plenty or the bags will split int he bath.
Seal along the open side of the Tea Bag with the iron.
Throw one under the running tap, let it infuse for a few minutes and relax.........
If you would like to make more, simply multiply the recipe.